Bpet Mersin
Storage Facility
Manufacturing and assembly of storage tanks with various capacities of 132.000m3, 141.157 kg canopy, pump rooms sheds, pipeline saportes, steel manufacturing and assembly work, 42.801m in-plant and downstream piping manufacturing and installation, 122.021m2 tank, pipe and steel fabrication sandblasting and painting works.
Contract Date: 2004
Finished: 2004
Location: Karaduvar, Mersin, Turkey
Bpet Mersin Storage Facility
Manufacturing and assembly of storage tanks with various capacities of 132.000m3, 141.157 kg canopy, pumprooms sheds, pipeline saports, steel fabrication and assembly work, 42.801m in-plant and downstream piping manufacturing and installation, 122.021m2 tank, pipe and steel fabrication sandblasting and painting works.